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 Misha Collins

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Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty13.11.08 19:10

Ten jeho tanec nemá chybu...a tie ksichtiky čo pri tom hadže... Misha Collins - Stránka 9 316745 Misha Collins - Stránka 9 316745 jak boxer kríženy s býkom...
Som zvedavá čo ešte ako Castiel predvedie...niake bojove scény Misha Collins - Stránka 9 260605 alebo poriadne emotívne... Misha Collins - Stránka 9 284389
Návrat hore Goto down
Diabolský admin
Diabolský admin

Počet príspevkov : 7654
Age : 36
Bydlisko : Cardiff, UK
Nálada : Sherlocked
Registration date : 29.11.2007

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty13.11.08 21:29

Nenahráte tie ukážky aj inde ako na rapid, bo ja to odtiaľ nestiahnem ani za uhorský rok... No
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty13.11.08 21:37

skusim to hodiť na letecku postu alebo ulozisko ak bude spolupracovať... Wink


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Diabolský admin
Diabolský admin

Počet príspevkov : 7654
Age : 36
Bydlisko : Cardiff, UK
Nálada : Sherlocked
Registration date : 29.11.2007

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty13.11.08 23:13

Jeeeej, díky moc, Cleo... Misha Collins - Stránka 9 891817 no teda, som len pozerala, aký bastard tam je... Shocked prečo sa ten film volá Beštia Karla, keď ona ani taká beštia nie je...teda ten jeho fucki.g rap... Misha Collins - Stránka 9 316745 ale videli sme kúsok jeho riťky.... Misha Collins - Stránka 9 284389 cheers
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 2175
Age : 44
Registration date : 15.04.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty14.11.08 22:39

toto je interviu v ktorom hovorí na kolko časti je angažovaný je z 25 sept. tak že neviem, pokiaľ som to správne pochopila vraví že má byť s siedmych túto sezonu scratch

Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty14.11.08 22:41

Tam hovori že je v 4 zo 7 epizod... Wink
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 2175
Age : 44
Registration date : 15.04.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty14.11.08 22:43

sorry :shame: maja angličtina je fakt slabá Misha Collins - Stránka 9 364896
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty14.11.08 22:49

Myslím že ani sám Kripke ešte nevie v akej epizode Castiel presne bude...Misha povedal že je na telefóne...keď ho potrebujú zavolajú a on príde do Vancouveru....
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 2175
Age : 44
Registration date : 15.04.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty14.11.08 23:08

Mne už z toho šibe Misha Collins - Stránka 9 202744 vážne neviem čo si mám myslieť Misha Collins - Stránka 9 404917

Aj tak nakoniec bude ako Kripke chce a ja verí že sa rozhodne správne Misha Collins - Stránka 9 188411 veď nás má rád no nieeeeeeeeeeee Misha Collins - Stránka 9 177401
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty19.11.08 22:01

Rozhovor s Mishom - teda skôr článok


Misha Collins, who plays the angel Castiel on The CW's Thursday-night thrill ride "Supernatural," may not wield the awesome powers of a heavenly being in real life, but that doesn't mean he lacks skills.

"I've built most of the furniture in my house," says Collins, a native of Western Massachusetts. "I want to get to the point where I've built everything. I built my couches; I built my table and chairs; I built my bed and all my bedroom furniture. There's a couple of things on my deck that I

didn't make. Eventually I'll get there.

"But I also built the house, so, you know, hey!"

And since he's playing an emissary from the Almighty, Collins is taking some of the time he doesn't spend woodworking or acting to peruse his Holy Bible.

"I've actually spent a fair amount of time with the Bible," he says. "It's been on my to-do list for a long time. I wasn't raised in a religious family, so I haven't picked up the Bible since I was in high school. I've never really devoted much time to it, so I'm spending a lot more time with it now."

On Thursday, "Supernatural" airs "Heaven and Hell," its last original episode until January. A character introduced last week, Anna (Julie McNiven), remembers her past, and demon-hunting brothers Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles) discover why Castiel and his fellow angel, Uriel (Robert Wisdom, "The Wire"), want her dead.

But the Winchesters have other plans for Anna, while also fending off attacks from the evil Alistair (Mark Rolston) and his demonic minions.

In his white shirt, loose tie and rumpled tan overcoat, Castiel looks more like a young Lt. Columbo or a depressed Wall Street banker than the traditional, white-robe-and-sandals idea of an angel. He doesn't make booming pronouncements or wave around a flaming sword, either (although Uriel, who first appeared under orders to smite a whole town, probably has one in an insulated pocket).

"I got two kinds of direction," Collins says, "before we actually shot. One was that Castiel hasn't been around human beings for 2,000 years, so there's a curiosity when he looks at people. 'How do these strange beings behave?' It's fun to play, interacting with Dean and Sam, looking at them like, 'What are you doing?'

"And the other one was that he is compassionate. At first brush, reading the first and second scripts, it looked like this guy is just tough, just mean, just bad-a---. But they wanted that (compassionate) aspect as well, the more angelic side, a little of both."

Over its first three seasons, "Supernatural" dealt with a wide variety of folklore and urban legends, along with building its own mythology. There has been a lot of talk about Hell - the same Hell from which Castiel yanked doomed Dean at the beginning of this season - but not that much about Heaven.

But in season four, the show has taken on an ambitious storyline that features nothing less than Heaven vs. Hell, angels vs. demons, with the freedom of Lucifer himself hanging in the balance.

Sometimes when TV shows take on biblical subjects, religious folks object to how Hollywood screenwriters interpret their beliefs. If they're unhappy with this storyline, Collins hasn't heard about it.

"It doesn't seem to be stirring up much furor from the religious camps," Collins says. "I imagine that some people would take exception to the idea of angels coming down and destroying this town. I mean, biblically there are precedents, but it's not everybody's idea of an angel."

Of course, when playing an angel, talking about elevated subjects and the Apocalypse and all, it can be hard to maintain one's composure.

"I give it the requisite level of seriousness," Collins says, "then sometimes I crack and start laughing."

Apparently Padalecki isn't making Collins' task any easier.

"The first scene I was in with Jared," he says, "he started making fun of my acting like nobody's business. Coming from anyone else, it would have been devastating, but it was so good-natured and so lighthearted, it was great.

"It's great to work with those guys."

Padalecki and Ackles are somewhat legendary pranksters on the "Supernatural" set in Vancouver, Canada, but appear to be keeping it in check when the angel is around.

"No serious pranking," Collins says. "I'm kind of sad about it. I don't know if they like me - maybe not. Or maybe they're just building up to something special."

Že Colombo Laughing a keď si predstavím že by Castiel behal v sandáloch.... Misha Collins - Stránka 9 316745 A postavil si nábytok..hmm šikovný chlapec...

A to s Jaredom rozumiem tomu dobre že: Jared sa smial tomu jak Misha hrá ale Misha to bere že od neho je to dobrosrdečné a že keby to bolo od niekoho iného tak ho to zniči a že pre Jareda není lahke hrať s Mishom? A že Misha je smutný lebo nevie či ho Jared a Jensen majú radi ale že možno si budujú niečo špeciálne? A že Misha dáva do ulohy Castiela vážnosť ale že niekedy vybuchne a začne sa smiať? A že Jared a Jensen su legendárny vtipálkovia ale keď je anjel okolo tak to držia pod kontrolou?
Opravte mi to pls niekto neviem či som si to dobre preložila Misha Collins - Stránka 9 260605 Misha Collins - Stránka 9 260605
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 12342
Age : 33
Bydlisko : saphire ocean :)
Nálada : k-popovská :D
Registration date : 01.12.2007

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty20.11.08 20:30

ja som to pochopila tak, že si z neho jared v takom priateľskom duchu uťahoval Laughing proste vravel, že ak by mu to povedal niekto iný, tak by ho to asi trápilo, ale to akým spôsobom to jay povedal, mu proste navrávalo, že je to len vtip.

s tým či ho majú radi naznačovala na tie pranks alebo vtípky alebo naschvály alebo ako so to u nás povie Laughing Laughing Laughing že zatiaľ naňho nič vážne neskúšali a tak nevie, či ho majú radi alebo nie, a že možno chystajú niečo špeci. Wink a atď tak ako to máš napísané Laughing až na to, že je smutný z toho, že zatiaľ neboli žiadne pranks Wink
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty23.11.08 3:06

Aha diky dion a tu je ďalši rozhovor s Mishom...chudáčik môj on sa cítí vynechaný 701 (ja ho uplne vidím ako sedi niekde v kúte, nahodí slzavé puppy eyes...Misha Collins - Stránka 9 71416) A Kate Winslet? Hmmm... A škoda že nábytok už robí len pre seba...

You've appeared in many of the most popular current TV shows. Are there any in particular, past or present, that you would like to work on?

Boston Legal is a great show. I would love to get on that. And.... South Park would be fun. Matt Stone and Trey Parker would be so fun to work with. Oh. I like Damages too and Flight of the Concords.

Your first TV appearance was in an episode of "Legacy". How did you get started acting?

My first acting gig was non-paying. I was 4 years old and my mother was in a play. The play was 3 hours long and we performed in this tiny theater at U-Mass Amherst. I had one line, "Yes I can, I can believe it because it's true." I'm not sure what I could believe, but I know I said the line with gusto every night.

I started acting seriously after college when I was living in Washington, DC. I had just finished an internship at the White House and a job working at National Public Radio and I had started a non-profit summer program for urban teens and I was President of an internet start-up that was making educational software and I was building furniture and making documentaries and getting ready to go to Law School--this was all within a year of graduating from college, it was an incredibly productive and busy time for me, but clearly I wasn't very focused. At the same time I thought I would test the waters of acting because it had long been something I was interested in and my very first professional audition was for Barry Levinson for his film Liberty Heights and I got a part and then I got a part in Legacy right after that and then Girl Interrupted after that and so I decided to set everything else aside and move to LA and pursue acting full time. I still build furniture, but not for other people, just for myself.

If you weren't an actor, what would you be doing?

Well, if I hadn't gone into acting I think I would have gone into politics. But I'm happy I didn't . I think if I stopped acting now, I would probably become a sculpture or a pan handler.

You starred in "Karla" as the serial killer Paul Bernardo. How difficult was it to get into such a difficult role?

Well, it was surprisingly easy to get into that role. When they cast me I thought, these guys are crazy. I can't play a violent serial killer. I've never even been in a fight. I was pretty sure they were going to fire me on day one. But then when we started shooting, an incredibly violent, dark side came out in me and I was pretty shocked by it. I remember while we were shooting I was dreaming Paul Bernardo's dreams. That was scary. I was afraid I might stay haunted by him. Fortunately, as soon as we wrapped I stopped having those dreams. He's not really the kind of guy you want hanging around in your head.

If you could work with any actor, living or deceased, who would it be?

You know who I think is awesome? Kate Winslet. I think she's great. I love the movies she chooses to be in. She seems really smart. I also love Tommy Lee Jones. Believe it or not, they are my two favorite actors. Others... The late Paul Newman, Judi Dench, John Turturro, Jeff Bridges, Brando, Sasha Baron Cohen... I could go on and on.

Supernatural Questions

Your character on Supernatural, Castiel, has become a huge hit with the fans. Did you anticipate his effect on the fans when you took on the role?

No. If I had had any idea and I'm glad Ididn't, I think it would have made me self-conscious.

Jared and Jensen are renowned for their practical jokes on set. Have you had any experience of this?

No. And frankly, I feel left out.

How much were you told about Castiel at the beginning?

Originally I got audition materials for the role of a demon. I went in and did what I thought was a damn good demon. Then Eric Kripke, who was in the room, said, "okay. That was pretty good, but this character is actually an angel. We didn't want the fans to know we were adding an angel, so we're keeping it under wraps." Then he said, "This angel hasn't been around humans for two thousand years, so he has a curiosity about these human beings and their strange behavior." That is all I was told at the beginning.

Do you believe in Angels?

I think that ordinary perception, and everything that perception entails, getting lost at the mall, eating lasagne, watching television, that's just scratching the outermost surface of what's really out there. I think we normally only perceive a tiny fragment of what's really going on around us and in the vast, multi-dimensional soup that makes up our universe, I think there is plenty of room for angels. I think there are forces of good and presences that move amongst us that could well be angels. I have never seen anyone with wings--angel or otherwise, but stranger things have happened
Návrat hore Goto down
Lovec v plienkach
Lovec v plienkach

Počet príspevkov : 176
Age : 30
Bydlisko : Morava 4ever
Nálada : Když je SPN tak to jde:):)
Registration date : 13.10.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty23.11.08 10:19

PlS pro nás neangličtináře o čem to asi tak bylo??? Ten popis na začátku se mi zdá jako malé info...Jinak super Cleo Misha Collins - Stránka 9 312566
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty23.11.08 12:19

No skusila som to preložiť ale neviem či je to dobre...neni to doslova len tak vlastnými slovami...

No pýtaju sa ho na akých TV show by rad pracoval v minulosti alebo v sučasnosti. A on že Boston Legal je dobra show a rad by tam vstupil. A že south park je zábavny..A má rad Damages a Flight of the Concords.
Potom sa pytaju ako začal s herectvom a on moje prve hranie bolo neplatene.. mal som 4 roky a moja matka bola v hre. hra trvala 3 hodiny a hrali sme to v tom malom divadle... mal som jednu vetu - "Ano mozem, viem uverit, pretoze je to pravda". niesom si isty, comu som mohol uverit, ale viem, ze som tu vetu povedal s presvedcenim kazdy vecer...a že s herectvom začal po fakulte keď žil vo Washingtone a robil prax v bielom dome, potom robil nejaký letný neziskový program pre teenagerov potom bol prezident niečoho so softwerom učebným a staval nábytok a robil dôkazové materialy a to všetko do roka po škole a bolo to neuveritelne vynosny a narocny cas (pre mna), ale ale po pravde, nebol som velmi sustredeny. A že potom išiel do LA a že nábytok už robi len pre seba.

Potom sa pýtaju čo by robil keby nebol herec - Ak by som nebol hercom išiel by som do politiky. A som velm rád že som tak neurobil. Ak by som stopol herectvo teraz myslím že by som bol sochár alebo neviem čo je pan handler (asi hrnčiar?)

A že hral ste vraha v Karle ake bolo zložite dostať sa do tej role. A on - Napodiv to bolo lahké ja som si myslel keď ma obsadili že sa tí chlapíci zbláznili. Ja nemôžem hrať seriového vraha. Nikdy som sa ani nebil. Bol som si istý že vyhorím hneď prvý deň. Ale keď sme začali natáčať, neuveritelne násilie moja temná strana vyšla na povrch a ja som bol šokovaný. Pamätam si že počas natáčania som mal sny o Paulovi Bernardovi. To bolo desivé. Bál som sa že ma to bude prenasledovať ale naštastie keď sme skončili tak tie sny prestali. Paul Bernardo naozaj nie je typ chlapíka ktorého by ste chceli mať poflakujúceho sa vo vašej hlave.

Ak by ste mohol pracovať s hercom živým alebo mrtvym kto by to bol? A Misha - Viete kto si myslím že je úžasny? Kate Winslet..Myslím že je skvelá. Mám rad filmy ktoré si ona vyberá. Ona je vážne chytrá. A tiež mám rad Tommy Lee Jonesa. Verte neverte to su mojí oblubeny herci. Ostatný Paul Newman, Judi Dench, John Turturro, Jeff Bridges, Brando, Sasha Baron Cohen a mohol by som pokračovať.....
Supernatural otázky:
Váš charakter Castiel je velmi oblubeny. Čakali ste taký uspech u fans? - Nie. Keby som to vedel a som rad že nie asi by ma to urobilo plachým...

Jared a Jensen su presláveny svojimi vtipmi na placi. Mate nejaký zážitok s tým? Nie. A na rovinu cítim sa vynechaný. 701

Ako vela ste vedel o Castielovi na začiatku? - Pôvodne som dostal scenár na rolu démona a myslím že by som bol zatracene dobrý demon..Erik povedal že to bolo dosť dobre ale že ten charakter je v skutočnosti anjel..My nechceme aby fans vedeli že sme pridali anjela tak to skrývame...a že Castiel nebol na zemi 2000 rokov tak je zvedavý na ľudské správanie...to je všetko čo som vedel na začiatku.

Veríte v anjelov?
myslim ze ten obycajny vnem (vnimanie, chapanie), a vsetko, co ten vnem znamena sa straca na nakupoch, jedenim lazani, pozeranim televizie, to je len (neviem ako to napisat, scratching je skrabaniee) povrch toho, co skutocna realita je. myslim ze my normalne vnimame len malu cast reality, ktora je okolo nas a v rozlahlej, mnohodimensionalnej polievke to doplna nas vesmir. Myslim ze je mnoho miestnosti pre anjelov. Myslim ze su tam sily dobra a ich blizkost, ktora sa pohybuje okolo nas, to mozu byt kludne anjeli. Nikdy som nevidel nikoho s kridlami - anjela alebo cokolvek, ale zvlastne veci sa stavaju
Návrat hore Goto down

Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty23.11.08 13:42

A ešte jedno interview...ja z neho nemôžem on je strašne zlatýMisha Collins - Stránka 9 998745 že minulú zimu spavali v iglu...Misha Collins - Stránka 9 316745 Misha Collins - Stránka 9 316745 s ním musí byť strašná haluz (sorry za dva príspevky pod sebou ale nezmestilo sa) confused

Fans have commented on how they like the way Castiel has been played -- taking angels from cherubic to something more powerful and scary. What makes something scary to you?

If it's even the tiniest bit scary, that will make it scary for me. I can't watch horror movies. I don't like to watch horrifying things. I have a godson and he wanted to watch SAW 3 with me and I said, "He's six years old. Well, if a six-year-old could handle it, certainly I can." There was no way I could sit through it.

I have a very vivid imagination so I scare easily. I don't startle though. Like, if you were to jump out of a closet at me, I would be pretty cool. I just don't think that I have a fully functioning reflex system. The more psychological stuff does get under my skin.

I played a serial killer a couple of years ago in a movie called Karla. He was the real-life serial killer [Paul Bernardo], and I got some audio recordings of him and a lot of visual images of him and transcripts of him, so I had a lot to work with. So I really started to get into the skin of the character and I started having his dreams -- I was dreaming the serial killer's dreams and that scared the shit out of me. I was afraid that I had caused some permanent psychological damage to myself – luckily, I came out the other side of that. But that was scary.

You've had some incredibly powerful lines as Castiel – in particular from the season premiere -- "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." Did you practice that a lot?

Whenever I'm working on a shoot and it's the first scene that I'm doing for that role – no matter what, there's always some sort of anxiety that builds up. I just end up putting more pressure on myself for that scene. There was a lot going on in that scene – I was getting shot and there were explosions and I couldn't help but overthink the dialogue a bit. And yes, I did plan how to say that line.

We did one take and Kim Manners, the director, said, "Hey, Misha. It was like you were trying to make it spooky or something. Can you make it simple?" So, at that point, I threw out all of the stuff that I had planned and did it more simply. And that's how it came out.

It's gonna be a line of a dialogue that stands out -- I don't think there's any casual way to say "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." (laughs)

Not unless you were just sitting around, having a few beers at a bar.

Possibly. I'll try to slip it into casual conversation. See how it goes. Let me make a note.

What's one of your favorite lines on an episode to come?

"I don't envy the weight that's on your shoulders, Dean. I truly don't."

I like that one.

You thought you were auditioning for a demon, only to find out he was actually an angel. If you were a demon, what would you want your power to be?

Oh, you ask good questions! If I were a demon, I suppose that invisibility would be nice. This is a common question that one should have an answer to – like what kind of super power would you want? I never really had an answer to that. What would you want?

I do like invisibility, I have to say.

Invisibility sounds like it would be really handy and kinda fun.

I don't think I'd really want to have the power to fly.

I totally agree with you – I think it's overrated. Especially with modern air travel as it is, it's not that unique anymore.

And you'd have bugs in your teeth...

That's an excellent point! (laughs) No one ever talks about the fact that there's no windshield when you fly.

If you were forced to have the gift of flight, you'd need some kind of helmet.

You'd want to have a visor! (laughs)

If you were given the gift of conjuring in real life, but you can only conjure ONE thing – what would it be?

I just came up with a really trite answer – a peaceful mind. If I could, at any point, take away negative thoughts or worries and just have a peaceful mind.

That's really nice -- but I might go for a really tasty chocolate milkshake at a moment's notice.

It's probably more practical. You probably get the same effect from a chocolate milkshake, plus the added benefit of caloric value and nourishment.

You were an intern at the White House – what department did you work in?

I was in the Office of Presidential Personnel. It's a mouthful. The Office of Presidential Personnel is in charge of selecting nominees for presidential appointments. In the 90s, there were 3,500 jobs given out by appointment ranging from the Secretary of Agriculture and Ambassadors to low-level jobs.

I was there for six months in the Clinton Administration – it was right before Monica Lewinsky sort of sullied the position of White House Intern for the rest of us.

I didn't actually love being there, but I did get to read some incredibly funny applications for jobs. There was a former Miss America from some point in the 1950s – she sent in all of these soft-focus, glossy colour photographs of herself. She wanted to be the Secretary of Agriculture. It was on heavy photo paper, really glossy, really airbrushed. Under each photo was an inspirational comment in cursive font, like "Works well with others."

There was a guy who wanted to be Ambassador, and he thought he was qualified because God had spoken to him in the bathroom of the Mayflower Hotel.

They were highlights of the job.

Was there anything interesting in your past that might have failed the FBI background test you needed to fill out?

Well, my mother was a leftie in the 60s and she did a Freedom of Information Act filing and got her FBI files and they had her down as a suspect for a Capitol Hill bombing sometime in the 70s. She wasn't responsible for it, but that could have been a problem.

The FBI background check that you do when you apply for White House intern is a very lengthy set of forms. They require you to do things like tell every address you ever lived at and the name and phone number of a neighbor at that address. Names of classmates and every school – when I was growing up, we were very poor and were evicted a lot. I was in a new school at least once a year. So I had more schools to list than I could possibly remember, [much less] classmates from all of those schools.

There were so many tedious questions, that I got kind of glib and I started making jokes -- on the FBI background check. I was 18 years old and not a big drug or alcohol user, but I had been at a party and smoked a joint. Clinton had said in his campaign that he had smoked something and didn't inhale. So I wrote this lengthy answer to one of the questions about not inhaling – a joke about Clinton's [comment]. I'm putting it into the U.S. Mailbox, a 20-something page document – and as I dropped it in the box and saw it sliding in, I tried to reach after it as I realized I put way too many jokes and stuff that I should not have said in it. The FBI may not have the same sense of humour as I do! But I didn't catch it in time and I had this sick feeling, "Why did I do that? What kind of a fool am I?" But I got the internship.

Later on, it came out that they had a backlog of the security checks and they had been hiring people for all kinds of jobs without having done the security checks. I think I was of those people. (laughs)

How long were you at NPR?
I was there for six months as well, on a show called "Weekly Edition." They had offered me a job, but at that point I was still in college – I had taken a year off – but I decided to go back to school instead of taking the job there. I loved that job.

If you could host your own radio show – what would it be about?

It would be about adventure. I'm a founding member of the Los Angeles Map and Touring Club and we go out and get tours of whatever strange facilities we possibly can. We went to a foundry where they were casting bronze, to a sewage treatment plant down in Long Beach and to the San Pedro Harbour where they were loading all the containment vessels. We went to the largest landfill in the country and go hiking in the Angeles National Forest.

Last winter, we went cross-country skiing and built an igloo. A bunch of us slept in igloos for a few days.

What was the hardest thing you'd done with the group?

The hardest thing was kayaking down the Los Angeles River. Where do you live?

I live in New York. But I do know that the Los Angeles River doesn't really have water in it...

Exactly. And the water it does have in it smells an awful lot like sewer. There was one person who had kayaked the river, to my knowledge, up until last year, and he was a reporter for The New York Times and had done it as an expedition. I thought it would be a great idea to do it and I rallied up everybody and said, "Let's go kayak down the L.A. River" -- and nobody would. I had to do it by myself. It was really disgusting.

Just this past summer, another organization decided to do another kayak ride and they solicited my involvement. It was going to be a 3-day expedition and after the first day, I said, "You know, guys, I've done this before and I know how awful it is and I don't know why I'm doing it again." So I quit on the expedition – I don't like to be a quitter, but I did.

What adventure have you been most proud of?

Outside of that little group, I rode my bike across country.

And I built my house, and I built the furniture in it. I made my way through college as a carpenter so I have some skills in that department and I'm pretty proud of that fact. It took me almost two years of doing it full time and four years of tinkering... a lot.

In a lot of interviews, I've seen people ask if you've been prepared for the Supernatural fan response. In a recent Q&A with The CW, when asked about the fandom, you said, "I'm ready." Let's see how true that is..."If you had to pick, which name for a LiveJournal community would you prefer: Castiel/Dean: Touched by an Angel, or to borrow Dean's line: Castiel/Dean: Groped by an Angel.



Well. Both of those have homoerotic overtones...

Welcome to the Supernatural fandom.

(laughs) I think that I would go full-bore with "Groped by an Angel" instead of tiptoeing around the issue. I think that might elicit more humorous threads. Why not? Go all out. Misha Collins - Stránka 9 284389 Misha Collins - Stránka 9 284389
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Lovec v plienkach

Počet príspevkov : 176
Age : 30
Bydlisko : Morava 4ever
Nálada : Když je SPN tak to jde:):)
Registration date : 13.10.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty23.11.08 18:56

hej good cleo s díky lol!
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Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty27.11.08 14:30


Tu je nový rozhovor s Mishom...všimnite si jak sa rehoce na začiatku Laughing 702
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Lovec v plienkach
Lovec v plienkach

Počet príspevkov : 176
Age : 30
Bydlisko : Morava 4ever
Nálada : Když je SPN tak to jde:):)
Registration date : 13.10.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty27.11.08 15:36

Haluz má tam něco s vlasama nebo se mi to jenom zdá?A má super kravatu a košili
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Počet príspevkov : 2781
Age : 35
Bydlisko : No niekde
Nálada : Nemám na nič čas čo je zaujímavé kedže celé dni nič nerobim...
Registration date : 05.04.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty27.11.08 16:18

krása 702 Misha tak sice posobí úplne inak ako Castiel ale aj tak je úžasný. radosť na neho pozerať. 702 fakt je dobre oblečený pri tom na čo sme u neho zvyknutý Very Happy
Cleo diki aj za tie predošle interview a preklad
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Počet príspevkov : 3035
Age : 32
Bydlisko : Jablonec nad Nisou
Nálada : po každe epizodě na Bohnice a tady na foru na prášky na uklidnění...:D
Registration date : 11.12.2007

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty27.11.08 17:11

hahahaha Misha Collins - Stránka 9 99937 Misha Collins - Stránka 9 99937 Misha Collins - Stránka 9 99937 tak to mě zas dorazil tím co tak říkal bože já z něj asi umřu.... Misha Collins - Stránka 9 99937 Misha Collins - Stránka 9 99937 skvělej rozhovor díky Misha Collins - Stránka 9 170639
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Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty27.11.08 21:56

12NicolAlysska napísal:
Haluz má tam něco s vlasama nebo se mi to jenom zdá?A má super kravatu a košili


citácia :
Misha tak sice posobí úplne inak ako Castiel ale aj tak je úžasný. radosť na neho pozerať. fakt je dobre oblečený pri tom na čo sme u neho zvyknutý

Že je uplne iný? A ta ženská je z neho uplne mimo Misha Collins - Stránka 9 316745 Misha Collins - Stránka 9 487389
A ja som to zo strachom otvárala že čo zas bude mať na sebe navlečené ale toto je dobre...Takto keď príde na to Asylum budem spokojná Misha Collins - Stránka 9 284389

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 T54024_ugo66Misha Collins - Stránka 9 T54025_ugo5Misha Collins - Stránka 9 T54026_ugo48

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 886945
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Lovec v plienkach
Lovec v plienkach

Počet príspevkov : 176
Age : 30
Bydlisko : Morava 4ever
Nálada : Když je SPN tak to jde:):)
Registration date : 13.10.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty28.11.08 18:15

hej sry já myslela,že to tmavě modrý je kravata...podívala jsem se na to letem světem, protože jsem musela pryč 603

Ale Misha je fakt kus.....k nakousnutí 702

Ale počkat,počkat dívám se teď na ty fotky od Cleo a on tam má hnědé oči jestli sa nepletu.........Já myslela, že je má modré jako Casstík confused confused
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Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty28.11.08 18:50

Má modre len to je nekvalitne video a tak aj screeny... Laughing
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Počet príspevkov : 2781
Age : 35
Bydlisko : No niekde
Nálada : Nemám na nič čas čo je zaujímavé kedže celé dni nič nerobim...
Registration date : 05.04.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty28.11.08 19:12

na tých screenoch to fakt vyzerá akoby mal hnedé ale nie je to nejaký ostrý zaber tak tie oči nie je vidno. ale ja som si teraz pozrela niekoľko starších fotiek a tam je jasne vidieť že má mofre oči. Very Happy
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Počet príspevkov : 4946
Bydlisko : Wales
Nálada : upršaná :D
Registration date : 10.05.2008

Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty
OdoslaťPredmet: Re: Misha Collins   Misha Collins - Stránka 9 Empty28.11.08 19:18

Ja som dnes našla jedno video s Mishovej dovolenky pri mori Laughing Laughing Laughing


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